The Boon to Mankind – Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence in the form of machine learning brings with it new techniques that enable software applications to make predictions without the need of complex programming. Predictions are made based on the historical data that are taken as input.

Recommendation algorithm is one of the many gifts of machine learning to the present time. There are several other contributions of machine learning like for instance systems detecting fraud, filtering out spam, detection of threats caused by malware and so on.

Machine learning holds immense importance in today’s world. Decisions that are driven by data happen to be crucial in deciding whether a company stays ahead of the competition in the market or falls behind. The predictions that are made by machine learning have made the crucial decision making processes easier and have also channelised the way of performing smart actions.

Machine learning can be seen being used in various fields today. It is being used in the feed of social media sites, for the purpose of navigation in Google Maps. Machine learning algorithms are designed in a way so that they learn from experiences of the past and the need to code does not arise everytime a new element is inserted as the algorithm upgrades by itself.

The efficiency of machine learning lies in the fact that it handles complex data which are present in large amounts. Initially the algorithm is trained to produce an output after an input is given. In case the resulting output is not as per expectation, the algorithm is re-trained and the process continues till the desired output is produced. This helps in increasing the accuracy with time. 

It is difficult to have an industry which does not use the concept of machine learning. Machine learning finds use in multiple applications and it makes processing of complex tasks easier and faster and hence it is gaining more prominence.

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